Life Transitions Counseling

Are You Struggling With A Period Of Transition?

Have you faced a major life change and are finding it difficult to cope? Perhaps you’re starting a new job, beginning or going back to school, returning to the office after working from home or starting retirement.

You might be struggling to reconcile developmental or medical challenges that you or someone you love is experiencing. Maybe your child is entering a new stage of development or you’re becoming a new parent or empty nester.

Everything is so new that you're probably feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and lost, and you're hoping that counseling for life transitions can offer you some direction.

Experiencing A Significant Life Change Can Affect You In Surprising Ways

Big changes often have a global effect on a person’s life, causing stress, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and all manner of fluctuating emotions. You may experience sleep disturbances or find yourself turning towards unhealthy behaviors to cope, such as overindulging in alcohol, overspending to distract yourself, or procrastinating and avoiding essential responsibilities.

You might not even realize that you are engaging in unhealthy behaviors–or maybe you do, but you feel powerless to change things. You probably wish you didn’t have to handle this alone or that you had someone in your life to talk to about how difficult life changes can be–fortunately, you do.

Our compassionate therapists at Attuned Mind Therapy can help you draw a roadmap to a place where you feel more confident, grounded, and capable of handling change without becoming overwhelmed. So if you’re ready, life transitions therapy can offer you guidance and support as you work your way through this temporarily difficult time.

Almost Everyone Finds Major Changes To Be Stressful

Many people experience emotional or behavioral reactions to stressful events or changes in their lives, even if the changes are "normal," anticipated, or welcomed parts of life. And many people struggling to handle big changes may benefit from therapy during transitional periods.

Studies have found that between 12–23 percent of people meet the clinical criteria for an adjustment disorder, which is when a person shows excessive or extreme reactions to a stressful life event for an extended period of time.[1]

A 2021 study found that over 73 percent of college students reported feeling moderate to severe psychological stress, as college can be a time of great transition in people’s lives.[2] This is just one example of how a common and expected time of change can bring about unexpected challenges. If you are experiencing distress related to a major life transition you may benefit from clinical support.

Expected And Unexpected Changes Can Be Challenging

Major life events can be hard for us because they are new and we haven't had the experience of handling them before. Just because a major change may be anticipated doesn't mean that it is easy to navigate.

For example, having a newborn can be overwhelming because it is a brand new experience for the parent, but also having a child leave home when they are older can feel just as foreign. Other life changes might be more abrupt and unexpected, like experiencing an accident, losing a job, or getting a divorce.

People cope with major changes in a variety of ways, some of which are not always healthy or productive. Counseling, in contrast, is designed to help individuals figure out healthier ways of navigating life transitions, such as career changes, chronic illness, or an empty nest.

Therapy can provide the support and structure you need to build healthy habits for coping with your life change, explore your thoughts and feelings, and find the strength to move through them with self-compassion.



Therapy Can Provide A Safe Space To Process Your Life Change

You don't have to struggle on your own–there are no prizes for sacrificing your own physical and emotional health or well-being. Therapy provides a comforting and non-shaming environment to express any challenges you are facing.

Maybe therapy can help you find solutions to your current problems, and sharing your experience can be validating and supportive. Maybe you can use that support and encouragement to develop a game plan for planning the next stage of your life with your health and goals at the forefront of your efforts.

What Life Transitions Counseling Sessions Look Like

Sessions at Attuned Minds Therapy will focus on whatever you decide is most important. We are experts at facilitating the therapeutic process, however, you are the expert in your own life. We will pass along any knowledge we have that can help you and will be your support system and personal advocate for achieving your goals. Your therapist will tailor the sessions to match your needs, preferences, and challenges associated with your life transition.

Teaching You Practical Skills To Navigate Change

Life transitions therapy methods are varied and depend on your unique circumstances. Sessions may include:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is an evidence-based approach that can give you the tools to determine when problems require action and the psychological skills to handle painful thoughts and feelings effectively. In a nutshell, ACT helps you accept what is outside of your control and commit to taking action that will enrich your life. [1]

  • Hypnotherapy is a clinical approach in which words, stories, and metaphors are used to achieve specific therapeutic outcomes. Hypnotherapy facilitates a mind-body connection and a focused state of concentration which can be applied to your treatment goals.

  • Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy is an experiential form of animal-assisted therapy in which a mental health professional, an equine specialist, a horse, and a client work together to address clinical issues. You will be invited to interact hands-on with horses by participating in ground-based activities designed to address your reasons for seeking therapy.

A lot of people are reluctant to seek therapy because they feel like they’ll be judged. You might be thinking that if others appear to be managing on their own, why can't I?

Many of life's changes are universal and you may be dealing with a very common issue. But just because it is common doesn't mean that it is easy. It is normal to compare ourselves to others; however, don't let someone else's perceived experience prevent you from seeking support if you want or need it.

You deserve to be heard and supported. Seeking therapeutic services to tend to yourself, your relationships, and your future is an act of self-love and self-care.

The truth is:  life transitions are naturally difficult and can leave you feeling like you're treading water with no land in sight, but counseling can be your life raft. Let us help you navigate this new phase of your life.

[1] Harris, R. (2009). ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.

You Might Still Have Questions About Life Transitions Counseling

I'm worried about how to handle an upcoming change. Should I start therapy now or wait until later?

There is no need to wait. Therapy, like medicine, can be preventative. Maybe you are worried that you won't respond well to an upcoming life transition, such as retirement or your in-laws moving in with you. Therapy can be a great space to prepare and be in the best position for when that change occurs.

I tried therapy before and it didn't help. How will this be any different?

Look for a therapist with whom you feel comfortable, who connects with you, and who challenges you to meet your therapeutic goals. Just because your previous therapist wasn't helpful doesn't mean that therapy, in general, can't be; you just need to find what works for you.

 Our therapeutic approach might be the perfect fit for your needs, however, if it turns out that one of our therapists is not the right match for you, we will provide you with referrals to more suitable professionals. 

I'm embarrassed that I'm struggling; no one else seems to be. If I ignore how I'm feeling, will it get easier?

Just because you are struggling right now doesn't mean that you won’t adapt over time. You can wait and see if you adjust on your own. However, you don't have to navigate new territory alone if you don't want to. If you are struggling, it is likely that others are as well; maybe they are afraid to admit they are having a hard time too, so you just don’t see it!

Reach Out For Support To Navigate This Difficult Time

Find out how Attuned Minds Therapy® can help you during this unsteady time in your life with a free, 15-minute phone consultation at 407-502-2635. Having a therapist in your support system can go a long way to making life transitions less overwhelming. Attuned Minds Therapy is a private pay practice and will not share the details of your therapy experience with any third parties.

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